Clarke competed at the Grinnell Duals on Feb. 3. The following are the results:
Clarke - guaranteed 6th place
Match #1 Round 1
Des Moines East defeated Clarke 72-12
126 - Camron Bennett (DSM East) over Brandon Sanchez Flores (Clarke) Fall 1:27
144 - Uriah Fry (Clarke) over Dorian Hilson (DSM East) Fall 2:29
150 - Jason Rivas (DSM East) over Conner Williams (Clarke) Fall 5:28
157 - Daniel Zeoh (DSM East) over Milad Ibraheem (Clarke) Fall 0:30
165 - Emmanuel Dennis (DSM East) over Erick Hernandez (Clarke) Fall 2:29
215 - Wesley Jordan (DSM East) over John Sanga (Clarke) Fall 0:44
285 - Cole Binning (Clarke) over Issac Lara Marquez (DSM East) Fall 1:16
106 - Michael Lewis (DSM East) over Angel Gomez-Perez (Clarke) Fall 1:38
Match #2 Round 2
Grinnell defeated Clarke 60-18
126 - Joshua Crecelius (Grinnell) over Sanchez Flores (Clarke) Fall 2:50
144 - Fry (Clarke) over Alex Peiffer (Grinnell) Fall 1:42
150 - Teylor Doty (Grinnell) over Williams (Clarke) Fall 1:06
157 - Maxwell Mintle (Grinnell) over Lincoln Hill (Clarke) Fall 1:30
165 - Josh Ringler (Grinnell) over Hernandez (Clarke) Fall 2:50
190 - Tyler Kostow (Grinnell) over Sanga (Clarke) Fall 0:55
215 - Binning (Clarke) over Caden Witham (Grinnell) Fall 1:26
Match #3 Round 3
AP-GC defeated Clarke 72-9
144 - Justin Knaack (AP-GC) over Fry (Clarke) Fall 3:29
150 - Dylan Knaack (AP-GC) over Williams (Clarke) Fall 2:51
157 - Ibraheem (Clarke) over Creyton Eberhart (AP-GC) Dec 14-8
165 - Clay Saak (AP-GC) over Hernandez (Clarke) Fall 0:47
190 - Maison Copp (AP-GC) over Sanga (Clarke) Fall 0:22
215 - Binning (Clarke) over Jesse Brouwer (AP-GC) Fall 5:24
106 - Owen Primus (AP-GC) over Gomez-Perez (Clarke) Fall 2:28
126 - Carter Liston (AP-GC) over Sanchez Flores (Clarke) Fall 1:27
Match #4 Round 4
BGM, Brooklyn defeated Clarke 47-24
144 - Fry (Clarke) over Landon Pierce (BGM) Fall 0:41
150 - Williams (Clarke) over Ashten Kalinay (BGM) Fall 4:21
157 - Ibraheem (Clarke) over Shawn Keller (BGM) Fall 3:44
165 - Landen Cooling (BGM) over Hernandez (Clarke) Fall 1:22
190 - Reed Slater (BGM) over Sanga (Clarke) Fall 2:00
106 - Hunter Hodina (BGM) over Gomez-Perez (Clarke) TF 15-0
126 - Ethan Bridgewater (BGM) over Sanchez Flores (Clarke) Fall 1:20