April 26, 2024

Clarke County Democrats make extra large yard signs after sign vandalism

Fifteen Clarke County Democrats painted extra large yard signs over the weekend after a number of Biden-Harris signs within the county have been stolen, covered up and replaced with Trump campaign messaging.

“We’ve received a very limited supply of yard signs,” said Sarah Truitt, chair of the Clarke County Democrats. “It’s a good thing we’ve been out registering voters.”

Sam Reynoldson participated in making and delivering the signs.

“It was a three-day project,” said Reynoldson. “Friday, a couple of party members painted every sign blue as a canvas for the words. The next day participants gathered to add the words but were quickly rained out. They returned Sunday, finished the signs, and began putting them up around the county right away.”

Since they have not been able to get together very often during the pandemic, participants enjoyed being able to have some time with other members of their party. The signs were made in Barry Mateer’s barn.

“Conventional political thought seems to be that yard signs are on their way out. Some here might agree with that sentiment, but many others think that the Biden-Harris signs should be on their way out to the people who want to have one in their yard. Therefore, the Clarke County Democrats decided to make some signs of our own,” said Mateer. “It may turn out that 40 is not enough as we’ve been contacted by Democrats from bordering counties asking if we have any extra signs.”

Citizens should be aware that, in Iowa, taking such signs could lead to charges of trespass and criminal mischief, carrying penalties of up to 30 days in jail or a fine of up to $500, plus restitution for any damage.