May 03, 2024

Murray FFA places in area competitions

2017 CDE Day and District Soil Judging results

Tuesday, Sept. 19, the Murray FFA attended the South Central District CDE Day, which was hosted at the Osceola Fairgrounds, and took place in competitions for Livestock Judging, Horse Judging, Soil Judging, Dairy Judging and Vet Science.

The participants in Livestock Judging were Daniel Little, Katy Gibbs, Chance Lecy and Cole Lecy. The participants for Vet Science were Shelby Mathes, Levi Snyder, Zoie Lecy and Matt Reasoner. Shelby Mathes placed tenth as an individual and as a team Murray FFA ranked 4 out of 21 teams.

Soil Judging had two teams from Murray. The seven people who participated in Soil Judging were Colton Hiatt, Bailey Frederick, Kegan Johnson, Ally Waske, Kayla Wookey, Andrew Davis and Breannia Klein. Bailey Frederick placed ninth as an individual and Kegan, Bailey, and Colton placed 4 out of 50 teams.

For Dairy Judging, Britta Callstrom, Hailey Chew, Jimmy Graham, Emma Decker and Rebecca Decker participated. The Dairy Judging team placed tenth out of 33 teams.

The Novice Horse Judging team received 16 out of 55 teams. The participants were Kendra Boles, Chase Werner, Colton Siefkas and Aden Cosner. Kendra Boles placed sixth as an individual.

On Sept. 27th, the Soil Judging team consisting of Ally Waske, Kegan Johnson, Bailey Frederick and Colton Hiatt traveled to the District Soil Judging Competition at Knoxville. The members judged four pits and took a written test. The location was just north of Red Rock Lake, which provided varying soil types for the students to judge. The students received 18th place as a team at this competition.