May 02, 2024

Letter to Editor

Holidays are so difficult without that special someone sharing in the moment, here physically. That special someone is here spiritually. I know it is not a consolation but it is our reality.

I remember my first Christmas without my son. I did not send out cards but I did send out a letter to all my friends that live out-of-state. It ended up being four to five pages long. My heart and grief was still so raw that I was pretty straight forward about how I felt. It really helped me vent my feelings.

The only Christmas spirit I had within myself was that it was Jesus’ birthday. A room full of people, yet all alone, going through the motions throughout the day; remembering the past Christmases like a movie over and over.

A new holiday tradition began for me that first Christmas in 2002. When I am at a family gathering, I light a candle for Curtis and say a few words. I always feel better when I do this even though the tears may roll. While every year is difficult, to say the least, this helps others know it is okay to talk about and share funny memories of that special someone. No one “makes” us cry, we do that all by ourselves, and when I do, I smile inside because someone is sharing a memory. The tears are not always from sadness.

FAITH is knowing with absolution that God was with them when they died, never giving up HOPE that with each minute, hour, and day that in time we will see a little more sunshine in our lives, and the LOVE for our special someone lives in their spirits and our hearts.