May 01, 2024

Growing partnerships and community pride

Last week, Osceola Chamber Main Street Design Committee, Clarke County Supervisors and Osceola’s FFA program joined forces to help revitalize the courthouse lawn through a planting project.

Osceola Chamber Main Street Design Chair Brad Hansen said, “It’s a great way to forge new partnerships between the school, the supervisors, and Chamber Main Street.”

Brandi Boyd’s FFA group spent most of Friday on the project — digging holes, laying bricks, and planting hostas that were donated by Clarke County Supervisor Marvin McCann.

Five sections were laid out between the concrete benches over by the bandstand.

Hansen said he hopes, “that this project will be successful and we will add a few more plantings every year.”

Osceola Chamber Main Street Executive Director Derek Lumsden said, “The students were really energetic and it was inspiring to see them working so hard on the project. We hope this type of enthusiasm is contagious and it starts a growing trend of community pride and partnerships in Osceola.”

What’s next?

Lumsden said, “There will be some additional work done around the Fourth of July festivities, and hopefully, some work being done on the larger flower beds on the eastern side of the courtyard this year.”

If you would like to get involved with some of the work being done by Osceola Chamber Main Street, contact Derek Lumsden at 641-342-4200 or email him at to find out ways to grow partnerships and take pride in our community.