May 01, 2024

Ferrand joins OST staff as news editor

Hilary Ferrand has joined the Osceola Sentinel-Tribune staff as news editor.

Ferrand, 39, is from Fort Dodge. She replaced Amy Hansen Willey when Willey left the newspaper.

“Osceola’s a charming town,” Ferrand said. “I’m really excited to take over.”

Ferrand graduated from Fort Dodge Senior High School in 1996 and attended Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri. She has been a freelance writer for the past 17 years, working with magazines and newspapers such as E-The Environmental Magazine, Mother Nature Network and Twist and Shout of Fort Dodge.

Ferrand is married to Dennis and together they have five children: Nathan, 18, Strata, 16, Lian, 14, Felix, 7, and Luna, 3. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with family, reading horror and fantasy novels, traveling and playing video games.

“I’m really excited to help with the paper. Osceola has so many new things going on, and I hope to help the community take advantage of them,” Ferrand said.

To welcome her to the community or send story ideas, contact Ferrand at or 641-342-2131 ext. 231, or follow her on Twitter at @yack.