May 05, 2024

Girl Scout cookies available

It is February and Girl Scout cookie time.

I’m sure you ate your last one many months ago, if not a year ago.  So, it is time to stock up again and maybe buy more so they will last longer. Like last year, Girl Scouts in Osceola, Murray and New Virginia have direct sales.

No longer do you need to order the cookies, get all excited, and then have to wait to have those special cookies delivered. You can enjoy your favorite cookies as soon as the young lady leaves your door step. The local troops will be setting up several “booth” sales around Osceola in case you are missed by a Girl Scout.  You have until March 22 to purchase your favorite Girl Scout cookies.

Girl Scouts participating in the cookie program learn essential life skills, earn prizes and help raise funds for their troop. They learn to set goals, and with help from others, create a plan to reach those goals. She develops team-building skills as she works with parents, family and other girls in the troop to create the plan. The troop decides how to use their proceeds, and then put their ideas into action.

The Scout learns money management and people skills. She learns how to handle customers’ money and gain valuable skills around handling finances. Girls learn how to talk, listen and work with all kinds of people as she sells cookies. All these experiences help a Girl Scout develop skills she can use throughout her life.

So, if a Girl Scout comes to your house, or asks you to purchase cookies, do what you can to help her, the troop and all local Girl Scouts. Out of each box of cookies that is sold, the troop keeps 45 to 50 cents to spend on their plan, whether it is attending a council program, field trip or other troop projects.