May 01, 2024

Response to senior center resignation

This letter is to let the public know that effective Jan. 23, 2014, I have resigned my position on Osceola Senior Center board.

At the Jan. 22, 2014, city council meeting, former council member Sarah Truitt came before the council to advise them of a conflict of interest because of myself serving on the senior center board and city council as a member at-large.

Each year, the city issues a contribution to Osceola Senior Center to assist with the operation. Checks are issued twice a year and voted on by the city council. At the Jan. 22, 2014, meeting, only three members were present to vote on the first check.

Because of only having three council members present, and the conflict of interest being brought up, the council’s decision was to take no action on the funding and postpone voting on the issuing of funds to the senior center until the next council meeting.

Personally, I am truly disgusted that our former city council member would risk the funds being issued to Osceola Senior Center to get back at me. In her re-election campaign, she discussed her accomplishments. One of the accomplishments was securing more funding for Osceola Senior Center. This action certainly contradicts that statement.

I want to apologize to anyone in the community who feels this was a conflict of interest for me serving on two boards at the same time. I chose to resign from Osceola Senior Center board because I know how important the funds are to the senior center.

The senior center serves hot meals to local people in and around the community. Some people rely on this meal as it is the only hot meal they receive each day. I hope in the future her attacks at me will not affect innocent people or community organizations.

I was told the city council has a budget work session Jan. 30, 2014, at 7 p.m.

Osceola Senior Center funding will be voted on at this meeting. I encourage anyone supporting the Osceola Senior Center operation to attend.