March 06, 2025

We can do better

Sarah Hettinger


The rains have come and we are grateful. We can flush our toilets and water our plants. Until next time.

We need a reliable water source—and we need legislators responsive to the real needs of their constituents.

Joel Fry, who owns property in the vicinity of the reservoir, has said he remained “neutral” when state legislation was passed which pretty much killed Clarke County’s chances for reservoir funding at that time, a time when it would have been less expensive to build—and available to us now.

“Neutral” is not what Clarke County’s representative to the State Legislature was elected to be. He should have been our advocate. Somehow Clarke County’s reservoir has become a political football—most Democrats for the reservoir, most Republicans against. Go figure.

When Democrat Sonya Hicks challenged Mr Fry, he dropped out and endorsed the present Republican candidate for state representative. Our present State Senator Amy Sinclair also has not shown any inclination to help with the reservoir.

Please vote for Nicole Lowe for State Senator and Sonya Hicks for State Representative; Karen Varley if you live in the three western districts of Clarke County.

We need honest people to help us with our reservoir and all the other issues we face as we live our real lives.