February 14, 2025

The Sinclair Report

It was my honor to gavel in the Iowa Senate for the official start of the 91st General Assembly on Monday, January 13. The Iowa legislature began its work this week and heard from our leaders on the state of our state, judiciary, and National Guard. Our legislative leaders addressed their respective chambers to lay out a clear path for Iowa’s future success. The common theme of building on common-sense solutions that have played a critical role in Iowa’s growth will serve as the foundation for our 2025 agenda.

Our goals for this legislative session were developed as a response to the many conversations with constituents as we traveled our districts during the 2024 campaign season. One of the most widely discussed topics was the weight of increased property taxes year-over-year. While the legislature has passed major tax reforms, more needs to be addressed on this issue.

More Money in Your Pockets

Your net paycheck may have increased this month as the 3.8 percent flat tax passed last year went into effect on January 1. Senate Republicans have been dedicated to simplifying Iowa’s tax code and ensuring Iowans keep more of their hard-earned money. We have continued to work toward this goal each General Assembly since 2017.

This represents resources that can be spent in our communities, used to offset increased costs from inflation, saved for a rainy day, or invested for the future. A flat tax makes Iowa an attractive place for families and businesses and makes Iowa a more competitive state on the national stage.

Governor Kim Reynolds’ Condition of the State

On Tuesday, Governor Kim Reynolds addressed Iowans with her eighth Condition of the State. The governor began by noting the top national rankings for the state of Iowa in several different categories. Iowa is the number one state in the nation for retirement, millennial home ownership, and fiscal responsibility. Iowa ranks second in cost of living, third for opportunity, and fourth for health care and educational choice nationwide. She also highlighted that Iowa is now enjoying the benefits of a 3.8 percent flat income tax, reduced from a 8.98 percent tax we faced just six years ago.

The governor’s focus for 2025 includes improvements to health care and cancer research. In her commitment to finding answers on Iowa’s high cancer rate, Governor Reynolds asked the Legislature for $1 million to fund a partnership between the University of Iowa and Iowa Health and Human Services to further promote research. In addressing the workforce, the governor proposed increased funding and loan re-payment programs to provide incentives for both in- and out-of-state health care workers to practice in rural Iowa. Her plans include expanding residency slots at our 14 teaching hospitals with the goal of adding 460 new physicians over four years.

The governor also outlined her proposals to assist communities to expand preschool and child care, implement a disaster assistance package for communities impacted by natural disasters, improve unemployment insurance, address waste in state and local government, work on energy challenges, and diversify our energy sources.

As Governor Reynolds put it, “Iowa is a state with endless opportunity, and timeless charm.”

Visitors to the Capitol

Constituents representing many programs and associations dropped by the Capitol for a visit and a quick photo. I was happy to meet with students who participate in iJAG (Iowa Jobs for Americas Graduates), high school robotics club participants, and representatives from Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives.

Staying in touch I rely on your input because everything we do as a General Assembly affects you personally. You can email me at amy.sinclair@legis.iowa.gov or call me at 515-725-4122 to voice your support or concerns on upcoming legislation. Visit the legislative website for information about bills important to you or to follow the work of the legislature: www.Legis.Iowa.Gov.