That is what United States Marine Corp veteran Shane Simpson said Monday at the Clarke High School’s Veterans Day assembly.
The assembly was hosted by the Clarke High School Student Council, and opened with a brief history of Veterans Day; a music video of the song “God Bless the U.S.A.,” Lee Greenwood, Home Free and The Singing Sergeants followed.
The Osceola American Legion Davis Pence Post 69 posted the colors, and the Clarke Chamber Choir performed the National Anthem. Guest speaker Simpson, then took the stage.
“Good morning, Clarke High School,” Simpson greeted the assembled.
With a scattering of replies, he remarked,
“I tell ya what, if you were in boot camp right now, that would be a lot louder. Good morning,” said Simpson to a more loud response.
Simpson shared that he served most of his time in U.S. Marine Corps Security Force Company in London, England, and was deployed several times in special operations. Stating that while every veteran has memories and stories of their time spent, everyone remembers the first 10 seconds when they step off the bus at boot camp. He described it as an “instant change,” in both scenery and life.
Simpson asked the students if they were tired of hearing their parents tell them what they should and shouldn’t do. He said that his father tried to talk him into college instead of the military, but it wasn’t until the first time he was in harm’s way that he thought he maybe should have listened.
Coming from a military family, including his late father who was a Vietnam War veteran, Simpson said Veterans Day is one that he and all veterans hold dear.
“Whether you realize it or not, today and in this country we stand in the presence of living history,” said Simpson.
He said that today, in America, there are veterans whose service spreads across decades, from World War II veterans to the ones of more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Each generation has faced its own challenges, fought their own battles and made their own sacrifices in response to the call for freedom.
“Our World War II veterans, they answered the call when darkness literally threatened to engulf the entire world…they truly are the greatest generation, and we are blessed to still have them among us,” Simpson said.
Of Korean War veterans, he said,
“ fought what is often referred to as a forgotten war. But if you’re a Korean War veteran, I tell you, it’s not forgotten. You’re not forgotten.”
For Vietnam War veterans whose nation failed to welcome them home and recognize their service,
“Today, to the Vietnam veterans, let me proudly and humbly say, thank you and welcome home.”
To the veterans of the Gulf War, Simpson commended the veterans on their professionalism with the liberation of Kuwait and defending allies in the Middle East.
For the veterans of more recent conflicts, Simpson noted their courage and determination, in the wake of unconventional warfare.
“All of those conflicts, all of those generations are distinctly different, distinctly unique. But what binds all of us together, across the years, across our conflicts is a shared commitment to duty, honor and country,” Simpson said.
Simpson asked that people remember that a veteran’s service didn’t end when they took off their uniform, and that it’s still in their bodies and hearts that they are still ready to defend the nation. He said that as veterans are honored on Veterans Day, there is still work that needs to be done for both visible and invisible tolls of service.
“The freedoms we enjoy, the security we cherish, the opportunities are the fruits of your labor and your sacrifice. Freedom is not free. We hear it so much...I ask you to truly consider its meaning,” said Simpson.
He also asked that everyone commit to support our veterans, whether by volunteering, or simply listening to their stories.
“Let’s literally make every day a Veterans Day, by waking up to the ideals for which they served and for which they fought. Fill the nation worthy of their sacrifice, unity, freedom, justice for all,” Simpson ended.
The Chamber choir sang the Armed Forces Medley, and three trumpeters preformed Taps. Shane Stephens then read a roll call of Clarke veterans before the assembly closed out.
In the afternoon, the Clarke Elementary Student Council hosted a Veterans Day assembly. The guest speaker was United States Army veteran Byron Jimmerson.
Three fifth-grade students were awarded first, second and third place in the American Legion’s essay contest, “What the American Flag Means to Me.” Bianca Guerrero-Escareno place first, Jase Manternach second and Bella Avalos third. Bianca’s essay will advance to the state competition.
Clarke’s roll call of veterans
Air Force
Eric Barr
Ed Buesch
Chuck Gorsline*
Dave Gorsline*
Alvin Havard*
John Heilman
Les Van Hesswyk
Darrell Lingle*
David May
Gavin May
Mitchell Mayhew
Reece A McClaflin - 2nd Lieutenant - Ramstein Air Base
Miles Murphy
Peggy McDole
Robert Merchant*
Stan Stickler*
Gary Wambold
Dick Beeman*
Steven Blackwood
Richard Bucklin
Dave Carson
Jim Cartwright*
Gregg Cummings
Elmer DeLeon
Gerald DeWitt*
Boman Ellix
Scott Ellis
Darek Foland
Darell Foland
John Fotiadis
Adrian Fuller*
Carl Fullerton*
Conway Havard
Niles Havard
Tory Havard
Joseph Havard*
Dale Helgevold
Lars Hem
Selena Humphrey
Lanny Jones
Byron Jimmerson
Sandra Kelderman
Clair Kentner
Ricky Leonard
Gerald Luce
Robert Mayhew
Dick McWilliams
Scott McWilliams*
Ron Pendegraft
Adam Readout
Bruce Reece
Lanny Robbins
Kenny Rotgers
Stan Samuelson*
Justin Schiltz
Laura Schiltz
Ron Schlichte
David Scott
David Severns
Michael Cody Smith
Fay Stephens
Jennifer Thomas
Richard Thomas
Roland Updike
Vernon Vold
Robert Walker
Robert Wambold*
Beth Lingle
Shane Stephens
Gary Stephens
Fred Diehl*
Gabe Crawford
Dennis Doran
Mitchell Mayhew
John McCoy
Steven McWilliams
Steve Niebur
Earnest Pettit
Sean Quinlan
Danny Reetz
Paul Sanders*
Bryant Schiltz
Shane Simpson
Seth Tyler
Randy Wishon
David Zufall
Joshua Brown
Richard Bucklin
Gerald Clark*
Rob Clark
Zach Clark
Jason Cook
Sandy Eddy
Kaleb Fletcher
Glenn Heckman
Bob Hettinger
Dan Hooper
Robert Horton
Raymond McKnight
Michael Mayhew
Charles Martin
Joe Reynolds*
Ryan Sells
John Sharp
Bill Short*
Lester Smith
Audrey Thomas
David VanDyke
Chris Wilkins
*denotes deceased. To help keep the roll call up to date, email with updates or changes.