October 22, 2024

Osceola Library offers digital piano for public use

The Osceola Public Library's digital piano offered for use.

The Osceola Public Library has added another amenity to their roster of items available to the public for use - a digital piano.

The piano was purchased by the library as an availability for people to use if they don’t have a piano at home or access to one otherwise. The library also hosts different programs throughout the year, and the piano can be used at those if needed. A digital piano is an electric keyboard that is made to sound and feel like a traditional acoustic piano, however it is portable and has volume control.

The digital piano is locked on the upper level of the library in the Genealogy Room, and is available for patrons to use during regular library hours, assuming the Genealogy Room is not being used. The room may also be reserved to use the piano by speaking with a librarian.

While the library has some piano music, it is not a large selection, but enough for beginners, or people may bring their own music. There are also piano music books that can be checked out.

The piano may be used by those aged six and older, however children between the ages of six and 10 must be accompanied by an adult while using the piano.

The Osceola Public Library’s hours are: Monday through Wednesday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.