May 18, 2024

Letter to the editor

To assure good times for some folks and not necessarily for all, Iowa
Republican politicians are intent on rolling back any local ordinances
that increase a minimum wage over $7.25 an hour, and that's aplenty.
 Aplenty as in the antebellum South were masters on the ole plantation
could not live comfortably high on the hog in their fine mansions if they
could not own some people as slaves and keep others down and in their
place as "white trash."   Apparently Iowa Republicans believe that in
these times moneychanger capitalists will not be able to hoard a lion's
share of the state's and nation's wealth  unless there are working poor
folks doing all the dirty work, heavy lifting and attending to detail that
keeps everything going for so little.
 True, each and everyone is in business to secure for themselves and
dependent loved ones food, clothing, shelter and enough rest and leisure
to keep going and to find it worthwhile to do so, but some folks are
apparently more worthily in business for themselves than are other folks.
 The more worthy are the risk takers who must be legally protected against
the possibility of failure because they are . . . ah . . . the risk takers
that have to worry about paying all the bills and someone making $7.25 an
hour does not?  Hum, are these Iowa legislators that are bent on keeping
the important folks comfortably in their business of the same party as
candidate Abe Lincoln who while running to be first Republican president
said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand.   I believe this
government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free."