May 05, 2024

In the spirit of service

Clarke student receives first place in state MLK Jr. essay contest

Kelsey Haltom, 9, daughter of Brian and Regina Haltom of Osceola, won first place in the seventh annual “MLK Call 2 Serve” essay contest at the city and state level. Haltom is a student in Mrs. Olson’s 4A class at Clarke Community Elementary School.

“When Mrs. Keiger and Mrs. Lampe shared that with me, they were extremely excited,” said Clarke Community Schools Superintendent Steve Seid during a presentation at last week’s school board meeting.

The essay contest asks children how they can live by Martin Luther King Jr.’s example in one of the following seven ways: courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service. The contest is sponsored by the Iowa Department of Human Rights’ Office on Status of African-Americans and the State of Iowa Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Planning Committee.

“She wrote about service she does,” said Haltom’s mother, Regina, which made the essay all the more powerful.

Mrs. Olson’s fourth-grade class entered the contest as a way to pay tribute to the Civil Rights leader, as well as hone the children’s writing skills. The top three essays were sent to the high school, where Clarke teachers chose Haltom’s entry to go on to the state competition.

“You’re a real leader.” Seid told Haltom. “We appreciate that.”

Awards to first and second place winners were to be handed out Monday, Jan. 16, at the State of Iowa Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration in Des Moines, however, the weather was cause for delay.