May 06, 2024

Clarke hosts Coaches vs. Cancer

Fighting cancer while supporting your favorite teams? Attendees will be surprised with how fun supporting good health can be 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 13 during Clarke’s first Coaches vs. Cancer night. Clarke County Hospital is teaming up with Clarke High School and the American Cancer Society to host the event and raise money for an important cause.

“We have 25 items for the silent auction,” said Zach Wood, Clarke County Hospital health promotion coordinator. “There’s been a huge outpouring of support from the community.”

Along with a silent auction – featuring items from Gina’s Cakes, Farm and Home, Lyric Theater, Alley Bowl, Rusty’s Auto, J.E.T. Fitness, Lakeside Casino and others – there will be a pulled pork dinner and halftime games, like half-court shooting contests and Chuck-a-Duck. Participants can win big prizes.

“This is the first year we’ve done this,” said Wood, and the community is pulling no stops in making it as successful as ever. While supporting good health is important, it’s not the only reason people are as determined as ever to raise money for the cause.

“The team we’re playing that night, Knoxville, has the largest event in the country,” said Wood.

While Clarke likely won’t top the $86,372 Knoxville raised last year, it already seems a crowd is planning to come out. Donations and money earned will go to the Clarke County Relay for Life and American Cancer Society to further the promotion of better health practices and fund life-saving research.