May 05, 2024

Daughters of the American Revolution meet

Fourteen members attended the Oct. 8 meeting of the Nancy McKay Harsh Chapter, DAR at Summit House in Creston with Regent Jane Briley presiding. Hostesses were Rosalie O’Grady and Suzanne Adkisson of Grand River. Jan Morgan of Greenfield gave the program on diabetes.  Roll call was answered with “Have you had your flu shot or been tested for diabetes?”

Kelly Franklin, an English instructor and drama coach at Southwestern Community College, was installed as a new DAR member.

Members learned of the death of DAR member Bunny Turner of Nova Scotia who was a great-granddaughter of Nancy McKay Harsh for whom the chapter is named.  A memorial ceremony was held for Mrs. Turner.

Reports were given by members who attended the ISDAR District meeting at the Nodaway Museum in Clarinda on Sept. 21. Marjorie Kinkade of Creston thanked everyone who set up displays in their town or wrote letters to local newspapers to publicize Constitution Week, Sept. 17-24.

Briley shared information on the Service to America Committee and encouraged everyone to go online and record their volunteer hours and to also share stories online that show the impact of volunteering.  Members are to bring toiletries and paper products to the next meeting as a volunteer project to celebrate National DAR Service Day.

The next meeting will be 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 12 at at the Windrow Restaurant in Creston for the chapter birthday party which will include lunch following the meeting. Marj Kinkade of Creston will give the program on the history of the Nancy McKay Harsh Chapter.  Roll call will be “How long have you been a member?”