May 04, 2024

Crawford’s school board seat up for election in November

Thanks to a legal technicality, there is an open Clarke Community School Board seat available for the November election.

According to Clarke Superintendent Steve Seid, the county auditor informed the school board about Brian Crawford, who was appointed to position on the board in fall 2015.

The board thought Crawford would have the seat until the next school board election. However, the seat is actually filled until the next general election, which is the presidential election Tuesday, Nov. 8.

“It was a little bit different than what we were under the impression of initially,” Seid said.

Any interest?

This means the school board seat is also open to members of the public in the election. If someone in the Clarke community is interested, he or she needs to fill out the appropriate paperwork and have it returned to officials by 5 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31.

Crawford said he will run for re-election for his board seat.

However, this is the opportunity for someone to file paperwork and potentially make it a contested race.

School board seats are four-year terms. This seat would be filled until the next school board election, which is in 2019.

“I just thought the public should know that, if anybody had any interest,” Seid said.