May 05, 2024

Today’s farmers

As a fourth-generation family farmer from Clarke County, nothing is more important to me than taking care of the land and protecting our precious resources for the next generation. I have spent my entire life on the farm, and it’s clear that farming is much different today than when I visited my grandfather’s farm as a kid.

Today’s farmers feed more than three times as many people than farmers 50 years ago, yet we do it using fewer resources. Those major advancements are possible because of advances in technology and equipment, and those advancements bring progress on other fronts. According to the USDA, Iowa’s erosion rate is down 28 percent from 1982, and we continue to make more progress.

On my farm, I have installed buffer strips and built grassed waterways and terraces to control water flow and prevent erosion. By having these measures in place, the rich soil and nutrients stay on my farm and out of the local waterways.

Collectively, local farmers have shown great improvement in water quality. According to more than 10,000 samples gathered by the Iowa Soybean Association, nitrates have trended lower in the Raccoon River over the past 15 years, despite what you may read recently in newspapers.

As we prepare to harvest, work goes on to always improve our imprint on the land and water. That’s why farmers like me will spend the winter months learning about new conservation methods to put in place when the snow melts and the ground thaws in the spring.