May 03, 2024

SWCC offering coaching authorization

CRESTON — Southwestern Community College continuing education will be offering coaching authorization beginning March 31.

The 55-hour series will meet in the evenings through May 30 and consists of the following topics: Anatomy and physiology, physical development, theory of coaching and coaching ethics, and care and prevention of athletic injuries. Upon successful participation, students will be issued a certificate of completion which is necessary to make application to the state of Iowa for coaching authorization.

Iowa law requires a person to have a coaching endorsement or authorization if: a person is “directing” the team or play, “prescribing” who should play and at what position or who needs to work on certain skills.

Coaches are considered individuals who are employed by a school district under the provisions of an extracurricular athletic contract or employed by a non-public school in a position responsible for an extracurricular athletic activity. Volunteer coaches are also required to hold a coaching endorsement or authorization.

The cost of the course is $470. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required by March 25. For additional information or to register for the course, call 641.782.1449 or print the brochure and registration form at under the general interest link.