May 05, 2024

Brommel completes fall 2014 as a CALS Ambassador

AMES — Alyssa Brommel of New Virginia, majoring in animal science, successfully completed fall 2014 as a member of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) Ambassadors. This highly selective group of students plays a pivotal role in the recruitment activities of the college.

Brommel served as a member of the transfer committee.

Each CALS Ambassador is expected to serve on a committee within the organization, to devote a prescribed amount of hours volunteering throughout the semester and maintain attendance and participation requirements. Over the course of fall 2014, the Ambassadors saw 745 prospective students on campus and logged 1,460 volunteer hours.

Governing the Ambassadors is a leadership team who is made up of committee chairs, representative from each committee and elected officers which includes a chairperson, vice-chair, and secretary. The CALS Ambassadors are advised by Beth Foreman, student services, college of agriculture and life sciences.