May 02, 2024

Help on heating bills for Clarke County residents

SCICAP is taking applications for heating assistance on a first-come/first-served basis through April 30.

Those families whose incomes qualify and who have not applied for heat assistance since Oct. 1, 2013, should do so or at least check their income eligibility.

The household annual income limit is $17,235 for a single-member household plus $6,030 for each additional household member. Either 2012 or 2013 income tax can be used for income verification.

You can also use your last 90 days income to qualify. This can be verified by check stubs, or in the case of direct deposits for fixed income, you may use your bank statements.

You will also need to bring a copy of your most recent heating and electric bill. You will need to bring verification of Social Security numbers for everyone in the household.

Medical waiver

Households that are over LIHEAP regular income guidelines may be eligible for LIHEAP benefits through our medial waiver component. The medical expenses must be documented, paid and nonreimbursable. For more information, contact your local outreach office.

This program is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services through Iowa Department of Human Rights/DCAA, and has been established to help qualifying low-income Iowa homeowners and renters pay for a portion of their primary heating costs.

Contact SCICAP/Clarke County Outreach office located at 116 S. Fillmore St. in Osceola. The telephone number is 641-342-2101.