May 03, 2024

National Domestic Violence Awareness month

October is National Domestic Violence Awareness month. Domestic abuse happens in this community.

We at Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center serve these victims and survivors every day.

While we often see and hear national reports on the rates of domestic abuse, it is the faces of women, men and children who are our friends, family or fellow students that cause us to see the true reality of the trauma domestic abuse causes.

While we receive many ideas about domestic abuse based on myths and victim blaming, we know the reality. Domestic abuse is wrong. No one asks to be abused. No one deserves to live in a home where they do not feel safe.

Instead of always putting the blame on the victims, we need to, as a community, hold offenders accountable and support victims.

Victims and survivors of domestic abuse need resources, empowerment and a strong support system to gain hope and independence.

We all have a responsibility in this. We can all help stop domestic abuse. Notice when somebody is being victimized in public and find a safe way to intervene.

Talk about domestic abuse. There are times when those closest to us are suffering and we don’t act for many reasons.

Don’t let domestic abuse be a “family issue” or “private matter.” As individuals, we have a lot of power. Let’s raise our standards to promote equality and respect in this community.

Our agency can answer your questions, train you to intervene, educate you on the realities of abuse and train you to volunteer. Volunteering can make such a positive impact in someone’s life.

Most of all, if you or somebody you know are suffering from domestic abuse, please call us.

Educate yourself. Help local victims by supporting Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center. The 24-hour crisis line is 1-800-400-4884.