May 03, 2024

To all you young’uns out there:

May I share with you some things I’ve discovered having reached the age of 98? I find I have a totally different value system. I look around my house and see all those things I thought I couldn’t live without, now they’re “stuff” and clutter. I realize that the only things of value are not what I’ve kept, but what I’ve given away. Mortality has smacked me in the face and I think of all who were dear to me, to whom I looked for companionship, advice, and enjoyment - now gone. Mistakes I’ve made loom larger than the lessons I learned from them and then I realize - wait! There is nothing to be gained from dwelling on all of that. Now that I’ve learned more about what is important, it is time to pick up the pieces and put to good use whatever time remains. What is most important? In my case, I’d like to leave behind something that will be a benefit to those I’ll be leaving.

A 3rd grade girl read to me yesterday about the president and I asked her, if she were president, what would she like to change? Her answer, she “would like to get rid of world hunger.” A boy said, “Lower taxes.”

They may live along enough to see that. I doubt if I will, but you know what? I have an opportunity to help assure the citizens of our community that they will have sufficient water - one thing for which there is no substitute, one thing without which we can’t survive. Yes! t want to be a part of that! Count me in.