On Sunday, Jan. 26, the local Knights of Columbus hosted the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship at Clarke High School. Nearly 40 local boys and girls aged nine to 14 showed up to try to earn their way on to the District competition, with hopes to advance to Regionals, and maybe on to State, and International past that.
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw District Shoot will be held on Sunday, Feb. 9 in the Clarke High School gym. It is hosted by the local Knights of Columbus council, and will be attended by those youths who participated in this and other Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championships. One boy and one girl from each age group will advance on to State.
Helping to make sure the event ran smoothly were members of the Clarke High School boys and girls basketball teams and coaches. In November, Clarke hosted a pre-season scrimmage against Murray, their Achieve Scrimmage. As part of that scrimmage, the teams chose a service project to complete, and selected the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. The teams will be there again to assist on Feb. 9. Clarke Schools also helped to promote the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship, and staff assisted in Sunday’s event as well.
The Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship has been going on for over 40 years in Osceola. It was started locally by current Knights of Columbus members Kevin Emanuel and Bernie Schade when their daughters were in grade school. Today, there are former participants who are now members of the Knights of Columbus and helping to keep this event going for the community’s youth.