Meal site

Monday, July 10: Roast beef with brown gravy, mashed red potatoes, California vegetable blend, wheat roll, birthday cake

Tuesday, July 11: Chicken and dumplings, stewed tomatoes, broccoli, multigran bread, chocolate chip cookie

Wednesday, July 12: Pork loin and pork sauce, baked sweet potato, cauliflower, multigrain bread, pears

Thursday, July 13: Hamburger patty, lettuce, tomato, potato salad, baked beans, wheat hamburger bun, hot spiced apples

Friday, July 14: Chef salad, green pea salad, apple juice, saltine crackers, mandarin oranges

Reservations must be made one day in advance. Please call by Friday to save a spot for Monday’s meal. Cost is $3.50 for seniors, $6.50 general public. Contact the Osceola Senior Center at 641-342-6221.