May 01, 2024

Earlier Clarke solo and ensemble contest results

Twenty-four Clarke Middle School Chorus students participated in a Solo and Ensemble Contest Thursday, March 9, in the Chorus Room. Students prepared solos and ensembles and performed them for a judge. The students were judged on tone quality, technique, rhythm, diction and other performance factors including facial expression, posture and memorization. The students could receive Division I, Superior ratings; Division II, Excellent ratings; and Division III, Good ratings.

Eighth grader Aracely Echeveste received a Division I+ rating for her solo. This is the highest rating possible, similar to an A+ on a test.

Eighth-grade students receiving Division I ratings are: Allyson Abbas, Kennedy Bland, Alex Brady, Victoria Cortez, McCormick Evink, Hailee Fry, Ayla George, Cecilia Hadley, Destiny Montgomery, Faith Montgomery, Emma Schurman, Shayla Sitzman, Selena Uhlman, Tori White, and Gracie Wilborn.

Seventh-graders receiving a Division I, Superior, rating are: Lexi Coper, Michael Galvez, Alex Hall, Kaylee Snyder, Joana Tomas, Josue Torres, Jose Vega, and Kobe Woods.