April 16, 2024

Letter from the former news editor

By Jennifer Nelson

Columbia, Mo.

Happy New Year from Columbia, Mo. I hope this letter finds you well. Hope you’re staying warm and aren’t buried by too much snow. It’s your former news editor, Jennifer Nelson.

Just wanted to write and let you know how I am doing. I felt a little bad I wasn’t able to see everyone and say goodbye before I left. I made a lot of friends in Osceola, so it would have taken quite a while. But as you can imagine, there’s a lot to do when you’re moving to a new job in two weeks. Someone told me before I left “Don’t forget about us here in Osceola.” I will never forget about Osceola. I gained a lot of valuable experience. I wouldn’t be where I am today without every single past experience.

I spent Christmas in Kansas City with my brother, his wife and my niece. Can you believe my baby niece is now two years old? She’s quite the talker now, and has mastered saying “Hi Jen.” It’s music to my ears. And, there’s nothing quite like hearing a little one tell you “I love you,” for the first time.

My new job is keeping me busy writing lots of articles. I really enjoy it though, and I’m gaining a lot of great experience. I’m hoping to find time to pursue an online master’s degree in strategic communication while I’m here. I never imagined I’d have the opportunity or finances to further my education but here’s my chance. This is a really great opportunity for me. God has definitely blessed me.

I love Columbia. There is so much to do here. I’ve found a great church with a young adults group that meets a couple times a week. I was thrilled when I found an equestrian center here so I could continue taking my horseback riding lessons. No new boyfriends yet, but I’ve dated some in the past few months so there’s promise.

I hope to write a couple more letters in 2013 to keep you posted on what’s happening in my life.

Until then, hope you have a blessed new year.