Loving…and letting go

Everyone was sad. Even though he’d turned 100 last year, no one ever actually expected “Grampy Joe” to die. He’d lived in his own home until the day he died – just two days ago.

As adults gathered in groups around family pictures at the funeral home during the visitation, I noticed a little boy sitting quietly by himself. I sat next to him and asked him how he was doing. This is what he said:

"I'm just sad for me, 'cause I'm really gonna miss great great Grampy Joe. He really was great! But I love him soooooo much that I've just gotta let him go – straight to Jesus, 'cause he followed Jesus forever here, and I know he followed Jesus straight to heaven. He loved to play checkers, and I bet he's playing checkers with Jesus right now!"

Jesus tells us, "You've heard me tell you, 'I'm going away, and I'm coming back.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I'm on my way to the Father because the Father is the goal and purpose of my life.

Many people pass through our lives. Neighbors. Co-workers. Friends. Family. Some we know for a day. Some we’ve known all our lives. They come…and they go.

Some we love so very much we just don’t ever want to let them go. They are so precious to us…and yet they are so much more precious to God.

That little boy had it right. It was because he loved his “Grampy Joe” so very much that he let him go – straight to the One who loved Joe from the day of his creation, straight to God, who loves each of us so much that God never ever lets us go, no matter what.

We lose some loved ones because they move. Lives change. We lose touch. God’s love never changes. God never loses touch with any of us.

We lose some loved ones to death. They let go of life here on earth and embrace eternal life with God. They are out of our sight for a while but never completely out of our minds and hearts.

It’s hard, this letting go business. And yet, if we truly love someone, don’t we want the very best for them? Nothing, ever or anywhere, is better than a forever life with Christ in heaven.

Many times, loving deeply means taking a big, Spirit-filled breath, perhaps shedding a few tears of sadness,…and letting them go.